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Showing posts from January, 2010


Sometimes when reality catches up with you, you stand and watch with your mouth open most especially if you never expected it to happen. It doesn’t really matter if it’s a good thing or a bad thing. Now accepting reality sometimes can be very hard mostly if it has not gone our way. I honestly find that hard too but I have just realized is that the faster you accept it the faster the pains disappear. Facing the reality of losing a job, a child, partner and many other things that matter to us is not easy. Sometimes things just don’t work out as we wanted them to. The accepting part can also be looked into two dimensions. The first one is accepting that some people like us while we don’t. Knowing that you are loved and cherished by someone you don’t can be very discomforting but we can’t make them stop. As a matter of fact, you also love people who don’t even waste time to look at you. Be proud that you are at least loved by somebody. Love is love. It doesn’t matter where it going or c