“I just can’t believe that it was you all this time around. How could you do such a thing to me? You have betrayed me. You have let me down!” These could be the words of a man whose heart and trust have been broken by someone he/she trusted. Let us face it, it is hard to come to terms with the reality that the person we trusted with all we had betrayed us. In many cases, people we trust are the ones that betray us or let us down. Look at Peter who was the closest person to Jesus let him down by denying him, Judas plotted against him and handed him over his enemies, spouses cheating on their partners, husbands defiling their baby girls, leaders fails to fulfill their promises they made to their followers, men of God lying to their sheep’s. All these shows us that trust is always broken by the people who were suppose to protect and cover us.
Cursed is a man who puts his trust in a man. Why is it so? Because men are, evil and they are filled with selfish ambitions and desires. When we put our trust in a man, I believe we do that at our own risk because we do not really know if the person is not going to betray us. Telling a secret to a friend be sure that there is a possibility that he/she might not keep the secret. Most of betrays are done out of selfishness, covetousness and sometime fear but the reasons do not really matter. Betrayal is betrayal.
One more question, is it always true that people we cover their mess up trying to protect them. Can they do the same to us if we were in their shoes? My opinion is no. Not all will and you will start thinking of all the things you have done to protect the friend sometimes risking yourself for them to be free but here they are, failing to give back what they got from you.
Now the question is should we stop trusting people? NO! The only thing I am saying is that, we should just be very careful with people we trust because there are times when we cannot even trust ourselves and we need somebody to trust. Always remember that a heart of a man is desperately wicked and beyond cure. Nevertheless, we still need someone we can trust but just be conscience and careful with people we trust and be ready to face the consequences if the person does otherwise.
The scripture sound very ok.its real life situations keep it more thing you would also include our politicians who dump each other after a strong companionship e.g Ruling president and the former president.