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For the past ten years i have had a privilege of standing in public and addressing people on various issues. It has been a very good experience. One thing that i have learnt is that people like to follow our actions than our words. I have also noted that we have lots and lots of secret admirers who are shaped by our actions.

They rarely come in the open or speak to you directly. Silently they follow every move you make. They cannot find time to congratulate you, condole you or at least say something. You are either too busy to notice them or you just choose to ignore them. But little do we know how we inspire their lives, how we motivate them or challenge them. You don't have to be a super celebrity to have them, they are there watching you always. They are found in places you least expect them to be. Away from your family, school, work or church.

Many people desire to be leaders. To have big crowds follow them, take instructions from them or respect them. But they forget this important constituency of their lives, the secret admirers. These are the genuine followers who are attracted to you by real reasons. They are happy when you are and grieve when you grieve. They have genuine concern for your well being. They work hard in life to be like you or to be where you are. They know your story better than anyone else because they have secretly researched your life. You didn't choose them but they chose you.

The danger of it is that we have little or no influence to take them back when we lose them. " I never expected so and so to do this" is what they say before going away for good. Some have ended up losing hope in life because of what their admired people had done. We lead the way and they follow us through having confidence in us. They have big expectations and it pains to let them down.

Think of many lives that you have touched or inspired by your actions. Think of the impact you have had in their lives. What if they know that you also have the other side you don't show in public. You can try to find your way by powerful and rhetoric speeches. But actions will always speak louder before you open your mouth. Watch your ways someone is following you and needs your guidance.


  1. hey what you said is something that a lot of overlook most of the times. we have some thing in us that makes somebody out there to have good dreams in life but we dont know how we are valued by our secret admires. we might go on to live reckless lives and in the process disappointing our true followers, hurting them, destroying their dreams and for the lest of their lives they will hold us responsible. what we do hurts others we dont know. most of us we dont value our selves but what we dont know is that somebody out their looks at us as his/her model. its live positive for ourselves and others we dont know.

  2. this is really what happens in life....we have a lot of people who follow our steps every time we make a move. Thanks and keep the blog alive!!!

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