Charity begins at home, so the old saying goes. Anything has to start at home. Before one does good to outsiders, one must start it at home or in the family. The family is a base or a platform for anybody to blossom and make it big. We all have heard of cases where some people are said to have a lot of problems in their lives because they never had blessings from their families. Everyone needs a family. I believe that the most horrible thing in life is to have no family. One can have all things in the w orld but happiness will never come if the person does not have a family. If we have a family, it gives us a feeling of belonging. We feel that we are not alone. The loneliest people are the ones without a family. The happiest people most of the times comes from good and healthy families. The importance of having a good and healthy family needs not to be overemphasized. It’s an inborn thing. It’s just natural. A husband who has a nagging wife is more likely to lose his efficiency ...
There are things in life that always change one's life forever. Life goes in circles just as seasons and they leave marks in our lives that are reminders of the seasons we passed through.