Just as there's a thin line between love and hate so is also true with life and death. You meet somebody today full of life, the next thing you will hear tomorrow is that the man is dead. Such is the truth about life. Just this year I have been shocked by death news. The first was my uncle who after working the whole day on his house (he was building) with his builders, felt ill the same day night and he died in early hours of the next day. This shocked me. How can a man who was full of life die like that? He never had any serious health problems to justify his sudden death. The second one was my own friend Nkasa (not Joseph Nkasa) who died less the same kind of death. Now the recent one being Micheal Jacko Jackson. His sudden death has not only shocked me as an individual but also the whole world. I had been a fan of Jacko for a long time. This guy was about to make a come back starting from 13 July 2009 which could have seen him going for a tour and he was about to have 50 concerts in his tour. This I believe could have had a positive impact on his rather troubled life.

Jacko will be always be remembered as a hero in the music circle. His work inspired many into music like Usher Raymond and me. Today Usher is a great musician while I am a great listener. All sorts of bad things were said about him while he was alive but his achievements overshadow his mistakes. America and the whole world has lost a great talent.
Jackos' demise has confirmed to me that nobody owns life. Today is Jacko tomorrow is you and me. What legacy are we going to leave behind? Death comes to all, to The good, The bad and The ugly.
R.I.P Jacko. We will forever miss you.
Guys, I like your talk about my hero, Jacko.He has left a legacy will never die,and will not be overtaken by events/others.A Hero in morden world must be an acheiver and an inventer of unique and visible stuf.Jacko's dance is unforgettable. fisha(ungweru)