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Times have really changed. Things are going to the abyss. Each and every day the world is getting bizarre stories and I have a truly bizarre story that really happened to people I know. To some of you it might be shocking and to some, it might be that you heard or maybe experienced a similar situation. When I heard about it I was really shocked. Telling you the truth, life sometimes is very unfair to people who are as innocent as infants. They get paid in wrong terms for their love, sacrifices, care, and goodwill.
I will not use their real names for the sake of their privacy. Let’s call them Dan and Martha. Martha is a beautiful girl with so much love for Dan. She went through a lot of hard times because of him. There were times when Dan would beat her up, disrespect her in all kinds of manners, taking the hard earned money that Martha earned from her less paying job for beer. All these things were happening when Dan was not working. He stayed without a job for about two years and all the support was coming from Martha. She loved the man with all her heart and she never kept a grudge against him. Even after going through all these atrocities she kept telling herself that he will change for the better and life would be as it is supposed to be. Later Dan secured a job and her faith that things will be fine increased because she thought that maybe Dan was being naughty because he did not have a job but little did Martha know that there was mayhem she has to face, the greatest shock of her life that she has to accept and deal with it. This is where Martha maybe regretted of loving, caring and hoping for a better change.
What happened is that Martha and Dan were staying with Dan’s younger sister and Martha’s younger sister. So Dan’s sister one day after maybe after getting tired with the practice of being like a nurse to Dan or maybe she was feeling sorry for Martha spilled the beans to Martha. Dan had been on ARV’s for a long time and he never told Martha that he’s HIV/AIDS positive. Martha was shocked. She couldn’t believe it. Why Dan why? Why did you not tell me? She cried bitterly because she could not believe that the very same thing she has kept herself from getting was now enjoying a new habitation in her body. It's like over for her. Dan’s sister explained that she had been giving the medication to Dan every day when Dan is bathing (in the bathroom). This was done so that Martha shouldn’t know. It was a secret he hid from the girl who took care of him and loved him with all her heart. After this, Martha asked Dan and the most unbelievable thing is that Dan never felt sorry or that he was wrong. His answer was, “yes it true. So what are you going to do about it?” this was like telling her that yes I have infected you with the HIV/AIDS virus. So what? He never apologized for what he did and he doesn’t regret infecting such an innocent person with HIV purposely. Now Martha has the virus and there’s nothing much she can do now.
Looking at this story I have really believed that a human heart is desperately sinful and beyond cure. How could Dan possibly be so very unappreciative? After all, Martha did to him and he chose to repay her by infecting her with a virus? Just think of it if it were you in Martha’s shoes? If spouses and lovers do these things, then who else can we trust? I thought love is supposed to protect and wish every good thing to happen to the one we love? The real meaning of love is being devalued by the sins of men. Without any apology I would say that what Dan did is completely inhuman and people like him who are heartless, ruthless, merciless don’t deserve a place in our world.
Now let us look at Martha. I believe that Martha has a part to share in this story on the negative side of the story of course. How could she possibly get into a sexual relationship with a man she doesn’t know his HIV/AIDS status? The world is preaching every day that never sleep with a person you don’t his or her status without a condom or if you are one of those who hates condoms then never do it at all! She was stupid I would say to believe that Dan is pure and virus free maybe because of the way he was looking. People with AIDS are not stamped on their foreheads. One needs to be very careful at all times. Martha should have told Dan gone for an HIV test first before getting engaged. She doesn’t deserve the Virus but she should also accept that she was not careful enough in the first place that could have prevented her from getting the virus. On the other hand, it would also be wrong to blame Martha for not going for an HIV test before getting engaged. The reason is that none of us including Martha we don’t know when exactly Dan contacted the virus. It might be that he got it after the engagement. Either way, Dan is fully responsible for killing such a young woman who is below thirty. Did I mention that Martha is an orphan and is responsible for her siblings? Anyway having HIV doesn’t mean that is the end of everything. People stay with the virus for over twenty years. The only pain is that Martha has it (HIV VIRUS).
So what we should learn here is that looks mislead and let us never pass on a judgment of any kind based on the appearance of a person. The other thing is that a lot of people we love and care they don’t love and care for us just as much as we do but many of those that we don’t care they cry for us every day because they love us. Any man is capable of doing anything. Let us be very careful in whatever we do. Prevention is always better than cure.


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