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communication is vital

Imagine a world without journalists, television, radios, internet and any communication media. Imagine the world without information and just to think of it a world without communication. What would it be like? For managers and business executives to make right and profitable decisions they need to be communicated with the good and right information. Information is the backbone of every decision people make every day. Wrong information leads to wrong decisions. Let me prove it. I head of a story real one, that a certain husband got the winds that his wife has been sharing his matrimonial bed with one of his friends. When he heard about it he confronted his wife with a lot of anger and without hearing the side of the wife he told her to pack and leave the house. He said he is not cheap to share a woman and he can not stoop so low to share a house with a woman who cannot keep her skirts zip closed. Better stay alone than share your hard earned money with a harlot. Three weeks down the line he found out that the story was just a rumor and nothing of it was true. He went to apologize to the wife and asked her for forgiveness. He said he was sorry for not giving a chance to hear her side of the story. He also said that he regretted his approach. He got wrong information.
The other story is almost the same but differs a little. A man finds his best friend having sex with his wife in his bedroom on his bed. The man walks straight to where he left his office keys, walks out of the room, closed the door and leaves with saying a single word. Whether the culprits finished their business is unknown. He comes home after work and finds his wife in the dining room. He walks straight to her and gives her a big hug and a kiss. This was a major surprise to the woman. After supper, they went to bed and in the morning he leaves for work. This lived as if nothing happened. For three days the guy said nothing and on the fourth day as he was coming from work he found his wife’s body hanging. She committed suicide. Now between the two who did right in terms communication?
Silence is the best way to avoid being misquoted but it is not the best way to avoid being misinterpreted. Many things go wrong because of a lack of communication. I have seen and heard of relationships being broken, marriages coming to an end, jobs being lost and a lot is lost. Now, much as communicating is very important, good channels must be followed as well. Sometimes we try to communicate but on a wrong time and sometimes it happens that we try to communicate but to a wrong person. So this leaves us with food for thought. Before one communicates there needs to be a good sense of time judgment. Assess the situation and see if it’s a good time to communicate. The other thing is, to whom are you communicating? You might have something that you really need to communicate with somebody but must first check if the person you are communicating to is a right one. Good information landing in the hands of a wrong person is a complete mistake. Some people don’t deserve to have information about some other things.
In communication approach matters as well. If the approach is wrong never expect to yield the intended positive results. Most people choose not to pay attention to what one is saying no matter how good the things might be because of a bad approach. So check the time, approach, the person you are communicating to and the place. Choose a convenient place for communicating. Not anytime, person, place is good for communication.
Let us avoid a lot of misunderstandings and mistakes by trying to communicate well. Coming up with a channel of communication I believe depends on the person, time, place, e.t.c. it's not easy but with a lot of effort, dedication, and commitment we can make it. WE CAN DO IT, YES CAN!


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